Speed up wordpress sites
Now this time word press is a very popular content management system across over worldwide. It’s very easy and simple to run a word press system in any hosting site. Today we will talk about how to speed up word press sites.
First Choose a Good Hosing Plan:
To keep site first do not depend in shared hosting. Because they looks amazing but when traffic will increase its not works, sometimes it’s go to offline. So depended a plan should be carried out.
Choose Perfect Themes:
To make website theme choice is an important task. Because users first looks it. We have to use that type themes which are stylish and works fast. Now in the marketplaces that type themes are available. As example- wordpress.org.
Image Optimization:
When you upload an image in site, you have to choose that types images which are low size. But not that type low image which make a bad reputation to your visitors. If you upload a big size image, then it will take time to load. Now a day’s many king of photo resizes are available as like fast stone photo resizer. By using this app you can optimize your photo/images.
Use caching Plugin:
Caching plugin will give you extra ordinary facilities to load your page easily and faster. 2 popular plugins are- W3 total cache and WP super cache.
Database Optimization:
Too many unuseful data stores in database as like trackback ping back etc. Now use some plugin to remove these data continuously.